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Shay Crowson
Associate Principal
Email Shay Crowson
302-629-4587 ext. 2535
Chanelle Evans
Assistant Principal
Email Chanelle Evans
302-629-4587 ext 2540
Rony Flechier
Associate Principal
Email Rony Flechier
302-629-4587 ext 2530
Susan Harrison
Email Susan Harrison
302-629-4587 ext 2525
Administrative Secretaries
Brittney Dahlstrom
Guidance Secretary/Registrar
Email Brittney Dahlstrom
Christine Galaska
Secretary to the Principal
Email Christine Galaska
302-629-4587 ext 2520
Diamond Jones
Email Diamond Jones
302-629-4587 ext 2506
Larissa Quintero
Email Larissa Quintero
302-629-4587 ext 2502
Dawn Rowe
Attendance Secretary
Email Dawn Rowe
302-629-4587 ext 2505
Vincent Evans Jr
Athletic Director
Email Vincent Evans Jr
302-629-4587 ext 1560
Andrew Wessells
Athletic Trainer
Email Andrew Wessells
302-629-4587 ext 2008
Career and Technical Department
Pamela Allen
Public Health
Email Pamela Allen
302-629-4587 ext 2033
Quincy Allen
Email Quincy Allen
302-629-4587 ext 2243
Penny Austin-Richardson
Email Penny Austin-Richardson
302-629-4587 ext 2065
Ashley Bailey
Digital Media
Email Ashley Bailey
302-629-4587 ext 2228
Matthew Cohee
Agri-Science Teacher
Email Matthew Cohee
302-629-4587 ext 2043/2044
William Gomlick
Email William Gomlick
302-629-4587 ext 2051/2049
Michael Holland
Pathways to Success
Email Michael Holland
302-629-4587 ext 2217
Brenda Holmes
Email Brenda Holmes
302-629-4587 ext 2050
Bill Johnson
Email Bill Johnson
302-629-4587 ext 2131
Chelsea Montgomery
Business Teacher
Email Chelsea Montgomery
302-629-4587 ext 2038
Drivers Educational Department
Lori Ballard
Drivers ED
Email Lori Ballard
302-629-4587 ext 2241
Bret Underwood
Drivers Education
Email Bret Underwood
302-629-4587 ext 2241
English Department
Heather Anthony-Moore
ELA Teacher
Email Heather Anthony-Moore
302-629-4587 ext 2209
Alyssa Dewolfe
Email Alyssa Dewolfe
302-629-4587 ext 2203
Colleen Fife
English Teacher
Email Colleen Fife
302-629-4587 ext 2206
Carol Beth Lambert
ELL Teacher
Email Carol Beth Lambert
302-629-4587 ext 2216
Travis Rogers
ELA Teacher
Email Travis Rogers
302-629-4587 ext 2207
Jessica Squires
ELA Teacher
Email Jessica Squires
302-629-4587 ext 2202
Fine Arts Department
Duncan Stevens
Email Duncan Stevens
302-629-4587 ext 2083
Mathematics Department
Sonid Blanchard
Math Teacher
Email Sonid Blanchard
302-629-4587 ext 2125
Jennifer Daniels
Math Teacher
Email Jennifer Daniels
302-629-4587 ext 2124/2126
Michele Elliott
Email Michele Elliott
302-629-4587 ext 2128
Sarah Kirk
Math Teacher
Email Sarah Kirk
302-629-4587 ext 2133
Katrina Workman
Math Teacher
Email Katrina Workman
302-629-4587 ext 127
Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps 'NJROTC'
Erric Lott
NJROTC Instructor
Email Erric Lott
302-629-4587 ext 2095/2089
Anthony Rowe
NJROTC Instructor
Email Anthony Rowe
302-629-4587 ext 2093
Nutrition Services
Cornelius Felton
Cafeteria Manager
Email Cornelius Felton
302-629-4587 ext 2560
Teresa Adkins
RISE Paraeducator
Email Teresa Adkins
302-629-4587 ext 2132
Angie Cannon
Email Angie Cannon
302-629-4587 ext 2090
Samantha Delgado
Instructional Para, Yearbook Advisor
Email Samantha Delgado
302-629-4587 ext 2212
Karen Henderson
Email Karen Henderson
302-629-4587 ext 2890
Duane Henry
ISS Paraeducator
Email Duane Henry
302-629-4587 ext 2070
Jordan Jarman
ILC Paraprofessional
Email Jordan Jarman
302-629-4587 ext 2260/2259
Kimberly Koski
Instructional Para
Email Kimberly Koski
302-629-4587 ext 2130
Susan Massey
OH Paraeducator
Email Susan Massey
302-629-4587 ext 2090
Courtney Perry
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Courtney Perry
Marie Ricks
Spec Ed Paraeducator
Email Marie Ricks
302-629-4587 ext 2092
George Schafer
Email George Schafer
302-629-4587 ext 2092
Lynn Schofer
Email Lynn Schofer
302-629-4587 ext 2090
Makayla Scott
Email Makayla Scott
Shatanya Short
AST Paraprofessional
Email Shatanya Short
Stephon Short
Autism Paraprofessional
Email Stephon Short
302-629-4587 ext 2082
Julian Thomas
Email Julian Thomas
302-629-4587 ext 2090
Guy White
Testing Assessment Para
Email Guy White
Physical Education/Health Department
Daniel Mangum
Physical Education Teacher
Email Daniel Mangum
302-629-4587 ext 2320
Remington Mangum
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Email Remington Mangum
302-629-4587 ext 2205
Dianna Robinson-Glassman
Physical Education Teacher
Email Dianna Robinson-Glassman
302-629-4587 ext. 2310
Sara Blaine
Pre-K Teacher
Email Sara Blaine
302-629-4587 ext 2058
Sara Brown
Pre-K Teacher
Email Sara Brown
302-629-4587 ext 2063
Hannah Covey
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Hannah Covey
Allison DiCarlo
Occupational Therapist Pre-K
Email Allison DiCarlo
Sabrina Eskridge
Speech Therapist Pre-K
Email Sabrina Eskridge
302-629-4587 ext 2454
Nichole Howell
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Nichole Howell
Tirzah Manion
Pre-K Autism Teacher
Email Tirzah Manion
Brandy Rathel
Pre-K Autism Para
Email Brandy Rathel
302-629-4587 ext 2059
Julie Rementer
Preschool Liaison/Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Julie Rementer
302-629-4587 ext 2054
Verna Roper
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Verna Roper
302-629-4587 ext 2058
Sara Smith
District Coordinator of Special Programs
Email Sara Smith
302-629-4587 ext 2055
April Stanley
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email April Stanley
Violet Waters
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Violet Waters
Dorlinda Westery
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Email Dorlinda Westery
Emily Williams
Pre-K Teacher
Email Emily Williams
302-629-4587 ext 2057
Jasmine Williams
Pre-K Teacher
Email Jasmine Williams
302-629-4587 ext 2056
School Counseling Department
Brittney Dahlstrom
Guidance Secretary/Registrar
Email Brittney Dahlstrom
Leigh Anne Fake
School Counselor, A-K
Email Leigh Anne Fake
302-629-4587 ext 2104
Jessica Jenney
Special Education Teacher
Email Jessica Jenney
302-629-4587 ext 2113
School Nurse
Christine Melvin
School Nurse
Email Christine Melvin
302-629-4587 ext 2575
Beverly Trout
OH Nurse
Email Beverly Trout
302-629-4587 ext 2081
Sciences Department
Matthew Bair
Email Matthew Bair
302-629-4587 ext 2251
Catherine Loch
Email Catherine Loch
302-629-4587 ext 2235
Hayden Smith
Science Teacher
Email Hayden Smith
302-629-4587 ext 2259
Syerra Smith
Science Teacher
Email Syerra Smith
302-629-4587 ext 2227
Seaford Comprehensive Program
George Manion
OH Teacher
Email George Manion
302-629-4587 ext 2092
Danna Palmer
Email Danna Palmer
302-629-4587 ext 2090
Social Studies Department
Rayce Boyer
Social Studies Teacher
Email Rayce Boyer
302-629-4587 ext 2252
Michael Lebow
Social Studies Department Chair
Email Michael Lebow
302-629-4587 ext 2250
Andy Lee
Social Studies
Email Andy Lee
302 629-4587 ext 2248
Patricia Massey
Social Studies
Email Patricia Massey
302-629-4587 ext 2248
Joseph Paleen
Social Studies Teacher
Email Joseph Paleen
302-629-4587 ext 2245
Special Education Department
Angela Anderson
Life Skills
Email Angela Anderson
302-629-4587 ext 2088
Michael Breitenbach
Shared Approach Teacher
Email Michael Breitenbach
302-629-4587 ext 2865
Stephen Caswell
Autism Teacher
Email Stephen Caswell
302-629-4587 ext 2082
Michael Dicarlo
Spec Ed. Teacher
Email Michael Dicarlo
302-629-4587 ext 2880
Jonathan Fletcher
Email Jonathan Fletcher
302-629-4587 ext 2260
Austin Perry
Spec Ed. Teacher
Email Austin Perry
302-629-4587 ext 2845
Alyson Silva
Special Education Coordinator
Email Alyson Silva
302-629-4587 ext 2545
Jonnika Waters
ILC Social Worker
Email Jonnika Waters
302-629-4587 ext 2259
Student Support
Jamal Austin
Dean of Students
Email Jamal Austin
302-629-4587 ext. 2215
Leah Dickerson
Behavior Health Coach
Email Leah Dickerson
302-629-4587 ext 2239
Kateri Fountain
Email Kateri Fountain
302-629-4587 ext 2132
Chuck Harrington
Cheif Custodian
Email Chuck Harrington
302-629-4587 ext 2550
Nicole Harrison
Reading Specialist
Email Nicole Harrison
302-629-4587 ext 2870
Dwayne Henry
School Interventionist
Email Dwayne Henry
302-629-4587 ext 2215
Alexander Luciani
Email Alexander Luciani
302-629-4587 ext 2132
Juwan Mullen
Social Worker
Email Juwan Mullen
302-629-4587 ext 2508
Melissa Pinkerton
Instructional Coach
Email Melissa Pinkerton
302-629-4587 ext 2206
Julie Robinson
School Psychologist
Email Julie Robinson
Erin Smith
Hearing Specialist
Email Erin Smith
302-629-4587 ext 2219
Lori Smith
Instructional Coach
Email Lori Smith
302-629-4587 ext 2068
Christopher Stetler
Transition Coordinator
Email Christopher Stetler
302-629-4587 ext 2441
Taylor Swain
Physical Therapist
Email Taylor Swain
302-629-4587 ext 2054
John Wingate
Student Resource Officer
302-629-4587 ext 2501
Visual and Performing Arts Department
Darius Holmes
Music/Band Director
Email Darius Holmes
302-629-4587 ext 2031
Wellness Center
Robin Hayes
Email Robin Hayes
302-629-4587 ext 2580
World Language Department
Shary Elwin-Hydes
Spanish Teacher
Email Shary Elwin-Hydes
Sonyia Oyola-Miranda
Spanish Teacher
Email Sonyia Oyola-Miranda
302-629-4587 ext 2231
Del Swartzentruber
Spanish Teacher
Email Del Swartzentruber
302-629-4587 ext 2233
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