School Counselors
Upon graduation, students will be prepared to
pursue their college and career goals.
“100% College and Career Ready”
The mission of Seaford High School counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program addressing the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students. School counselors are professional school advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. The counseling program is an integral part of the school’s total program with a commitment to individual uniqueness, an understanding of multi-cultural diversity and the maximum development of human potential. The program’s ultimate goal is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.
School Counseling Office Staff:
Mrs. Leigh Anne Fake - School Counselor, A-D
Mrs. Jessica Jenney - School Counselor, E-M
Mr. Sean Knowles - School Counselor, N-Z
Ms. Brittney Dahlstrom - Registrar
Phone: (302) 629-4525 x2515
Fax: (302) 628-4411